Friday, 29 March 2013

The Home Stretch!!

So here I am with an update on my paperwork!  I got to the doctor and she filled out my paperwork and took some more blood for additional tests.  So those results came back this week (all good!) and I got to pick them up on Thursday.  I just finished uploading all my documents (except the one set of results that I won't have until next week...gaaahhh) and it feels soooo good to know that I'm pretty much done.  I'll wait to hear on Monday if everything is okay with what I handed in.  I was so worried that I wouldn't make the deadline since I started so late.  On another note...I have 61 days until I leave!  But I don't think I'm ready at all.  I have no clue what I should be preparing for!  What do I pack to make sure I'm warm?  How do I decide what stays and what goes?  It's starting to hit me that I will be gone for 2 YEARS.  This isn't another one of my temporary trips.  I'm gonna need a lot more mental prep!  Well, that's all that's on my mind for now.  I'll let you guys know if I have any other news/updates!


Thursday, 21 March 2013

The Wait Continues...

Okay.  So  I'm still in the process of getting my forms in.  It's making me SUPER nervous!  I was supposed to have an appointment with my doctor today (just to fill out my forms since everything else is done)  but got a call from the office saying she wouldn't be in.  I've been trying to get in since I got back from Jamaica.  I texted her to beg her (since my forms are due next week) and she agreed to see me Saturday.  The only thing is that the Medical Applicant portal will be down from the 22nd to the 24th.  So I still have to wait to upload that stuff when I get them.  And of course there is the Pap Test (every female applicant must do it, regardless of if you are sexually active or not).  I couldn't get an appointment before the 26th!  So of course my results won't be back on time for the deadline.  I wish it didn't come down to now, but what can I do but try to get it all in.    I'll let you guys know how everything goes until my due date!

P.S.  I saw this (see below) post on Tumblr today (via on the Peace Corps tag).  Anyone ever heard of it/tried it?

The Peace Corps Challenge!
Ever wonder what it’s like to live as a Peace Corps Volunteer?
Take the…
PEACE CORPS CHALLENGE - stolen from Lacy / Nora / Erin / Courtney / & a whole bunch of other Peace Corps Ethiopia Volunteers [& tweaked to cater the challenge to my own personal experience].
Best use of the Challenge: Pick one week, and cram as many challenge items into one single week as possible. You may pick & choose as you please!
Point values are assigned for each challenge item.
Some are one-time options which can be repeated at your leisure [unless a limit is provided]. 
For 1W challenges, points are only rewarded if the challenge is completed for the duration of the entire week.
MAX POINTS:  905  .
1. Do not use your personal vehicle.
Options: hitching rides from others (spouses don’t count), bicycle, public transportation, by foot.
5 points per day
2. 1W - Do not leave your house after 6pm, unless you will be staying at a friend’s house.
10 points
3. 1W - Wear only 3 outfits. Rotation, rotation, rotation.
[though in reality, most of us only wear only 1 or 2 for the week.]
15 points
4. Spend an entire evening after dark (minimum 5 hours) without electricity.
Flashlights are allowed, but candles are preferred. No pre-charging of electronics allowed.
15 points per day
5. 1W - Live on a maximum of 5.00 USD per day, spending.
If you had food in your fridge and bring a sandwich to work, you’re in the clear.
This only applies to people who are not listed as a dependent on anyone’s taxes.
[Most other PCV’s set the limit to 3.50 USD, but I thought 5.00 USD seemed more reasonable]. 
15 points
6. 1W - Watch only television channels in a language in which you are not fluent.
Alternatively: Only watch TV with the sound on mute.
However, you may watch previously downloaded TV shows/movies on your computer - in any language you prefer.
20 points
7. 1W - Internet:
Option 1: Do not use the internet. [20 points]
Option 2: Use a maximum of 1.5 hours worth of internet for the week. [15 points]
If you choose Option 2, after each webpage loads, you must wait 5 seconds (“1-Mississippi, 2-Mississippi, 3-Mississi…”) before proceeding [& this is included in your total 1.5 hours]. If there are photos on the webpage, you must wait 30 seconds per photo. No YouTube or viewing videos of any kind. 
8. 1W - When using the restroom: first walk outside of your house/workplace, close the door, re-enter the building, and THEN proceed to the bathroom.
At night, you may alternatively use a bucket or pot in your room to relieve yourself [called a “chamber pot”].
30 points
9. 1W - Limit your water usage to 20L for the week. This includes drinking water, cooking water, laundry water, cleaning water, etc. An extra 15L is allowed for each bucket bath taken.
[Tips: baby wipes/”wh*re baths” & water reusage & water planning]
50 points
10. 1W - Only use water from a bucket. You may refill the bucket as many times as you like from the tap [though in reality, even this is not always possible].
40 points per day
No points rewarded for any use of direct running water from the tap.
11. Do not bathe for at least 3 days (washing of face & feet are allowed).
3 days is the minimum.[In reality: I bucket bathe 1x per week —- if I’m lucky].
10 points for 3 days; an additional 5 points for each day added.
If you go one week, 70 points.
12. On bathing days, take only a cold shower.
10 points per cold shower. 10 extra points per shower if running water is not used [aka bucket bathing].
Limit: 3 showers/baths for the week. [If you go over the limit, no points rewarded].
13. Wash an entire load of laundry by hand & let the clothes hang-dry.
Note: The Breathing Washer [search online] may be used [BEST GIFT EVER from mommy & daddy!].
20 points per load washed; additional 5 points per load hang-dried.
Limit: 3 loads for the week. [If you go over the limit, no points rewarded].
14. 1W - Your ONLY food options are the following [this includes snacking]:
Veggies: onions, tomatoes, cabbage/spinach, carrots, chili peppers, potatoes [and any other veggies that grow in your own personal garden]
Fruits: bananas, oranges [no seedless], mangoes, limes, pineapple
Supplements: rice, lentils, beans, chickpeas, pasta, injera, bread products
Dairy Products: Milk [powdered & liquid] and Yogurt (plain) only. [absolutely NO CHEESE].
[In reality: My parents are sending me a jar of powdered parmesan, PTL!! Anyone want to send me Velveeta / Krafts Singles?? Hahaha]
Others [allowed]: flour, corn starch, powdered chickpeas [“shiro”], cooking oil, sugar, salt, chili powder/cayenne/paprika, oats, eggs
No canned foods or meat.
50 points
15. 1W - Your only drink options are the following:
Water, Coke (no diet), Fanta, Sprite, fresh-made juice, Tea, & Coffee
20 points
16. 1W - You may not use: oven, microwave, dishwasher.
[Stove-tops are allowed].
20 points
17. 1W - Do not open your refrigerator.
How to survive: store foods / leftovers in a pot or Tupperware on the counter.
Be sure to reheat each time you eat.
[In reality: I don’t always reheat because I don’t always like hot food, but my stomach is used to it. Yours isn’t.]
30 points
If you get around 400 points, send me a message with your address & a brief reporting of how it went, & I’ll send you something Ethiopian in the mail. Prizes vary based on points & efforts (;
Take the challenge!
Hopefully through this challenge, [or even just by reading it!] you’ll realize [like I did & STILL do during my service here] some of the little things in life that we really take for granted. Us Peace Corps Volunteers are used to these kinds of living situations [which really isn’t bad at all - you get used to it quite quickly], but we KNOW that when we return to the States [or wherever we choose to go post-service]… we’ll be SO THANKFUL for our cockroach/bedbugs/flea/mosquito-free rooms, our bathrooms with running [FOREVER running!] water, HOT water [right out of the faucet!!], grocery stores with ENDLESS options for food [aisles of simply cereal, or yogurt —- & MEAT that’s clean, cut, & ready to go (sans slaughtering)!], CHEESECHEESE&CHEESE, being able to hangout [out of our house!] when it’s dark without worrying about getting eaten by hyenas or attacked by creepies, doing work in a language that we are fluent in, being able to SHOWER several times a week, dressing up, keeping white things white, paved roads, driving, driving without an 80% risk of death, talking at full speed in English with friends, privacy……… & the list goes on.
As for what I’m thankful for here?
I’ll write a book about it later. Haha ;D

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Making progress

So today I went to the dentist (one from the list).   She was such a sweetheart and I got my x-rays and my forms filled out!  I think that was the longest oral x-ray session I've ever had (18 slides), but my teeth are all great both in x-rays and in her check.  I'm glad that that's one thing over with.  Now that that's done, I need to keep bothering my doctor to fill out my physical forms (she seems to be taking forever to get back to me).  Once all of those are done,  this stage of my stress will go away!  I'm so glad that this is all working out!  Hopefully nothing goes wrong between now and when I leave!

Monday, 4 March 2013

Peace Corps Timeline

May 30, 2012:  Started Application

June 28, 2012:  Notification that application system was changing...figured why not wait for the new format since they said it would be much better than the first one!

August 15, 2012:  Re-started application.

September 28, 2012:  Application Submitted (got nervous and wondered if I was good it took me over a month to finish it!).  Also completed medical history survey

October 2, 2012:  Links for references sent out.

October 2-November 16, 2012:  Back and forth with first recruiter.  She was out of office for a little while, one of my references took a while to send in the reference, recruiter asked for another reference, my documents wouldn't upload, and Hurricane was like Murphy's law!  Everything went wrong!

November 16, 2012:  Also transferred to 2nd recruiter who would interview me.

November 26, 2012:  Had my in person interview!!  It went well.  I had my fingerprinting packages done and was told I would find out if I was nominated within the next week.  Also asked to do a skills addendum for one of my listed experiences.

November 30, 2012:  Received an email saying:
"Hello Lorre-Ann,
Thank you for breaking down your teaching/mentoring experience for me.  I am thrilled to have found a program that I feel fits your skills, interests, and the needs of the Peace Corps at this time.  Please let me know if you would like to move forward with the application process with the following assignment that I have found for you:
Assignment Description:  Secondary English Teaching   Tentative Departure:  Early June 2013
This assignment requires Volunteers to co-teach full-time in the classroom with one or more local English teachers, as well as to design and implement English language clubs and other community activities. Placements are often in rural.  Volunteers will teach in middle school through high school English. 
Living environment: Cold winters
Given all the factors we have to consider and the competitiveness of the application process, to have found a position like this is a very important step.  Please contact me as soon as possible if you would like me to recommend you for this program.  This is the extent of the information I have for this program. 
These positions fill and close on an ongoing basis so responding promptly is important. I cannot change the nomination so be certain about your decision but also be aware that I propose this as the most fitting assignment available and that if you decline, another may not be offered or be possible.  It is important to know that the process is still competitive so staying engaged and continuing to gain hands-on experience is extremely important for receiving an invitation. 
The next email I send in confirmation of your nomination and will give you more information about the next steps.   There will likely be a period of time when you may not hear from Peace Corps.  Don’t worry, you application is in process and you can always check in or send updates on skills that you are gaining.   Once invited, every Peace Corps volunteer has the opportunity to experience new cultures, develop warm, collaborative relationships and use their skills in meaningful service. 
Feel free to call or e-mail me if you have any questions or want to discuss this assignment."

I emailed back that day asking to be recommended.

December 5, 2012:  Received official nomination email

December 12, 2012:  Received legal packet

December 13, 2012:  Mailed off legal packet

January 4, 2013:  Legally cleared!

January 22, 2013:  Grandfather died.

February 1, 2013:  Emailed by 3rd recruiter to answer additional questions

February 6, 2013:  Invitation to serve in Mongolia (Departing May 30th)!

February 7, 2013:  Accepted invitation.

February 12, 2013:  Invitation packet arrived...also the day I had to leave to go to Jamaica for my funeral (mind you, my aspiration statement is due within 10 days of accepting the invitation and all my medical and dental forms are due at the end of March...passport/visa application due asap...see what I was saying about Murphy's law?!)

February 16, 2013:  Grandfather's funeral and aspiration statement/resume due...while I'm out of the country.

February 12-March 2, 2013:  In Jamaica...stressing because I can't get my forms in while I'm out of the country.

March 5, 2013:  Passport application mailed (They received it on the 7th)

I'll let you all know any updates from here on!

March 12, 2013:  Dentist appointment for x-rays/exam (Later found in that one page wasn't filled out and had to ask the dentist to do it and then I re-uploaded it)

March 23, 2013:  Finally got to the doctor to fill out my physical exam form/read over HHF.  Also had to take more blood for tests (Had to go back for these results on March 28).

March 26, 2013:  Last of the appointment series...Too bad my results won't be in by my March 31 deadline.

March 29, 2013:  Uploaded everything I had except the final results that I'm waiting for.  So relieved that I made it!

April 9, 2013:  Problems arise (

April 23-24, 2013:  Problems fixed,  I got my final medical clearance, and I found out information on Staging!

May 29th:  Left for Staging

May 30t-May 31, 2013:  Left for/Arrived in Mongolia!!!!

June 7, 2013:  Moved in with host families!!

August 12, 2013:  Left host families/found out Language Level (success!!)/Site placement!

August 17, 2013:  Swearing In (aka immense amounts of crying then going to UB to prepare to got to site).

August 19, 2013:  Left UB for the forever long bus ride to site.

Sept 1, 2013:  School opening ceremony!

Sept 2, 2013:  My first day of school!  The nerves!