Thursday, 29 August 2013

My Birthday and Other Adventures!

This week has been quite the week!  I'm getting to know my area better and getting to know my site mates better.  This week, I've made dinner with at least one of my site mates everyday.  I have also been to my school a couple more times.  School starts on Sept. 1st and I'm not quite sure I'm ready.  I was banking on having some time to observe before I got started teaching, but I just found out that I will just jump in teaching....wish me luck.

Next in the news, this week I fell into a manhole...yes, a manhole.  I was casually walking along the street with my friend when I just fell!  Before you ask, yes I was watching where I was going.  The manhole was covered and when I stepped on it, it flipped!  I fell in up to my waist on one side while the other leg was still on the sidewalk (good thing...because it would have been awful to have fallen completely in...I could have broken something if I had!).  My friend and I laughed sooo hard!  I guess I can now list that as one of my many adventures in Mongolia.

This week I also visited many of the offices in my town with my counterpart.  I visited the administration office, the police station, the fire station, the land/construction office, and the hospital.  It was great to see all the people!  Many of them want me to teach them English.  Guess I have my 2 years filled!

The next topic will be my birthday.  Yesterday (August 28th) was my 23rd birthday.  It was strange to think about how it would go, especially with a group of people who I just met a few months ago.  It was actually great!  I slept in then went to a local restaurant to eat lunch.  Then later on my hashaa mother gave me a box of chocolate, a mongolian keychain, and a scarf with a matching hair clip.  I didn't even know she knew it was my birthday!!  After that, I went to hang out with my site mates.  We made dinner (DELICIOUS grilled cheese and tomato soup) and spent the night talking.  They even bought me a cake!  I was so full after dinner, I didn't even get to eat a piece of my cake!  I'm so glad I got the site mates that I have.  I also got a call from family in Jamaica and messages from friends back home (although most of them

The second to last topic is a brief complaint that's been weighing on me for a while.  Since being in Mongolia, I've gotten many mixed reactions to being a person of color in this country.  Some people say I'm ugly while some people tell me how pretty I am (all in Mongolian, of course).  I also have people who stare at me and laugh every time I walk past.  Sometimes I find myself wishing that I could just fit in.  Although I'm very proud of my race and culture, it gets frustrating when no matter how well you try to integrate, you are always the odd one out.  I get tired of people telling me I'm not American just because of the color of my skin (although I'm not, I am supposed to be here representing America, so how useful is that representation going to be if no one accepts me as American?).  So what will I do with this problem?  I will try to turn the next 2 years into various series of teachable moments.  I will explain the diversity present in America so that there isn't just one view of Americans.  It may not change while I'm here, but at least the thought will be going for future volunteers here.

And lastly, on a lighter note *drum roll*:  I got a cat!!  I asked my counterpart if I was allowed to have a cat and she brought me a kitten that night (just 2 days before my birthday).  She is beyond precious (although she cries a lot, is always hungry, always in need of attention, and bites a lot)  and is just a little independent lady!  She doesn't have a name yet, though (can't decide on one, but I'm open to suggestions).  She doesn't help me fight the spiders in my ger at all, but i still love her!  I will be making fish and chicken for her for the next 2 years.  Now without further ado, a picture of the little diva:

She looks really calm in that picture, but don't let it fool you...she's quite the ball of energy!

Well, that's been my week!  Next week I will have beginning of school updates for you! 


Thursday, 22 August 2013

So I'm officially a volunteer!!

Since we last spoke, I had my swearing in ceremony, met my supervisor (on Thursday), and  have gone to my site!  A lot right?  On Saturday, August 17, 2013 I (and the other 41 of us) swore in to become an official volunteer in Peace Corps Mongolia!  It was an exciting, but sad day.  We were all super excited that we made it through training, but then we had to say bye to some of our friends (the people who weren't leaving from the capital) and get on a bus to leave Darkhan.  I cried so was a little insane.

Then we got to the big UB.  We stayed in some college dorms until it was time to leave for site.  That night we got to go out on the town and hang out with the older volunteers.  It was a good thing we had that time to spend with each other, because people started leaving for site the next day!  I was there until Monday, so I had 2 days to be sad about all the friends I had made who were now going to the opposite ends of the country.

Then Monday came and i got on the bus from UB for the 8 hour bus ride to Arkhangai.  It was definitely a ride filled with excitement and nostalgia.  When I finally got to site, I got in a car to head home.  I arrived and met my haasha family and walked into my beautiful ger.  My family (my dad, mom, and little brother) seem to be great (and they live in a house right behind my ger)!  And I have a haasha dog (who is the biggest punk...she rolls over if you even walk close to her)!  My ger is also super cozy (after 3 days of trying,  I finally made a successful fire by myself!).  My site mates are also great.  We've seen each other everyday since we've been here.

I must say I love my site.  There are clear skies, beautiful mountains in the back, and just a great small town feeling to it (also it's pretty big compared to where some other volunteers live).  We also have this great little cafe run by an Australian couple.  They sell hot cocoa, lasagna, cinnamon rolls, and veggie burgers, just to name a few of the great things they have. I feel like Mongolia continues to impress me every step of the way.  I'm so excited for the next 2 years!  Stay with me on the journey!

Love you guys!

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

And The Verdict Is...

Hey guys!!

Sorry it's been so long.  So much has happened since I last told you guys about my life.  Our area had a second Naadam (the winner was from our aimag and used his winnings to put on another Naadam), we then had no electricity during the day for 4 days because they were fixing power lines, the internet in the square stopped working, I visited a famous park on the Russian border,  I left my host family, and I found out my site!

I won't go into too much about the older things, but I'll start with leaving.

So yesterday I said goodbye to Sukhbaatar for the last night to come to Darkhan for the last few days of training (on Saturday I will swear in as an official volunteer!!!!).  My darling puppy (who is terrified of big dogs....she followed me to school the other day and I had to pick her up like a baby and take her back home) walked all the way to school with us to say bye.  She is just so cute!

Next we took the meeker to Darkhan and the first thing we found out was our test scores from our language test (which we took last Wednesday).  I got the requirement (although I thought my abilities were better than that....but I have 2 years to use it right?) so....YAY!

Later on in the day, we went to the Children's Park where we found out our sites.  I will be in a ger in a BEAUTIFUL Aimag called Arkhangai.  I'm in the center with 3 site mates!  I'm a little scared of the ger life (making fires to keep warm, no running water...which Zelda will love...., and an outdoor potty), but what is Peace Corps without some surprise, right?  Can't go back home and say I was in the Posh Corps (the name they give to people who 'have no struggles' in the Peace Corps).

I'm still in shock, but i will totally give you guys more info after swearing in and when I get to site (granted I find the internet source!).   Check out the link on Arkhangai to learn more about my beautiful future home!

I love ya'll!

Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Quick Post

Hey guys,

Sorry I'm so late...I'll come back and tell you guys how the past 2 weeks have been.  I lost power for a few days and I'm super late....But I'll be back!