Tuesday, 6 May 2014

So It's May.

Hey Guys!

So I said I would come back with an update in May.  I'm coming with not so good news.  As I mentioned in an earlier post, I was medevac'd from Mongolia.  Well, after I was medevac'd,  I was also medically separated.  Thus,  I will not be returning (or not any time soon).  Although I was disappointed at first,  I am now making the most of my time back.  I've started applying for jobs and internships and studying for LSATs (hopefully I can start Fall 2015?).  I had a great experience in Mongolia while it lasted and I will carry the skills I learned there throughout life.  They say everything happens for a reason, right?

Anyway.  I'm considering continuing this blog as a "Life after the Corps" blog.  Any inputs?  Also, if anyone has questions about any part of the process, feel free leave a comment with your email address and I'll send an email.

Thanks for taking this journey with me!