Wednesday 27 November 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Hey Guys!

Back, as promised.  The past few days have been pretty uneventful (except for the person who tried to steal me on's always something).  I thought about doing a "What I'm thankful for" post, but decided against it.  So I'm here to say HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!

I am thankful for all you guys who read my blog though.  See you next week with much more info!!

Sunday 24 November 2013


Hey Wonderful People!!

Sorry I'm late again!  My school hasn't had internet in about 2 weeks (according to my counterpart, the school hasn't paid their bill...*sigh*).  I'm currently at a cafe using internet.  So let me quickly go through what i've missed (if it's not back by thursday....Thanksgiving....I will be back here to do a post....guaranteed).

So in the news:

  1. I went on a hike (mission) with my site mate to find the river by our home...after about 2 hours, we found some streams and river (maybe next time).
Me and Mangas on the walk

"Meditation"...check out that view!!
  1. I saw my puppy not only last Monday, but this Monday too.  I said her name and she ran to made me so happy!!
  2. Then it all went downhill....I was sick from Tuesday night to Saturday morning (too much pain, not enough energy, and too many trips to the squatter......I have never been that sick before and never want to be that sick again.....and I couldn't eat for all those days.  Wow is all I have to say)
  3. In the last day of my sickness (when I could actually stand to do anything), I decided to start watching How I Met Your Mother.  I'm now almost done with season 3.....such a shame.
  4. As I'm in the cafe typing this blog post,  I met a really nice older French man and we had a nice talk about life and what different people value in life.  It was great to talk to a stranger and foreigner who just restores hope that there are people who want to do good things for others.
Well...That's all the festivities of my past week and a half!  I won't have much to tell you on Thursday, but I'll stop by just to update you!  Bye for now!

Wednesday 13 November 2013

A week in bullet points

Hi Guys!!

So sorry that I haven't been here in a while.  I had no internet last week, and thus couldn't post.  So here I am to post what's happened in the past bulleted paragraphs.  Here goes!

  1. I helped out with a Halloween party at another school in my area.  It was great!!  The students sang, danced, and did skits.  Then I explained the history of Halloween, did a spelling bee, and picked the best costume (There were a few good ones, but the other teachers narrowed it down.  I picked this kid with AMAZING skeleton face paint.  It was so good.  If I had another choice, I would've totally picked the kid with the homemade Scream mask)
  2. I had a week off from school.  I spent it reading, sleeping, and working out.  I also did some minor english tutoring.  However, being home meant that I had no internet (since the internet I had in my ger decided to give up on me....time for my modem).
  3. I bought a new coat and new boots...I'm ready for the winter!  Or so I hope...
  4. I finished Insanity!!  Woo hoo!   The results weren't as drastic as I thought they would be, but it's fine...I'll revisit it in March (now I'm doing a mix of Insane Abs from Insanity, self workouts, and Zumba fitness....yay for exercise!!).
  5. I witnessed a sheep being slaughtered on Saturday.  I felt so bad for the little guy!  I walked out and saw him tied to the truck in our yard and instantly thought "let me say hi, because I won't see him again".  About 20 minutes later,  I was leaving my ger and got to witness the whole thing.  The way it's done is that a small incision is mad in the stomach then the person reaches in and yanks the heart.  I watched for about 3 minutes while the poor fellow twitched and cried until he died.  Then the guy started cutting the ankles off and I decided that I couldn't watch anymore (first and last time I ever want to see an animal slaughtered....eek).
  6. I went hiking with my site mates on Saturday.  It was freezing and windy but so cool!!  I fell about 100 times and froze my fingers off (literally... I couldn't feel or move them.  We made a fire along the way and it wouldn't even defrost my hands... I later called the Peace Corps Medical Officer (PCMO) and she said I may have gotten slight frostbite that damaged but didn't kill my nerves.  She said now that this has happened, I'm more susceptible to it happening again....just my luck huh?  I was wondering why I couldn't feel some of my fingers days after...)

An OBOO with a horse head on top...we weren't too sure why the horse head.

A ton of horses just randomly as we were hiking

Group picture....of course I fell as soon as soon as the camera went off

Group picture take 2...Success

And I fell again.  The dog just walked over me (that dog is my site mate's dog  her name is no longer чихэр.  It is now мангас, which is Mongolian for monster...aptly named as she's going through her biting phase...faces are not exempt from her wrath).

The fire we it's beginning phases (it was no master fire...since it was so windy...but it got going a little more)

Attempting to warm my hands.

Again trying to warm my hands...there goes my site mate with the pup!

Well,  that's about my week!!  Not much to boast about.  I'm trying to figure out how to make my own cheese (preferably mozzarella, but I can't find rennet or citric acid we'll have to figure that out) and my own resistance bands (can't find those suckers either).  If you have any suggestions, let me know!!  See you guys next post!!

Monday 4 November 2013

Break Week Cooking Adventures!

So on Monday (Chinggis Khan's birthday and the first day of winter),  I made some pea soup and hard dough bread.  It was delicious.  It took forever to make, but it was totally worth it.  So here are some pics!!  See you again on Thursday!