"Ugh. The Peace Corps is recruiting.
The “Peace” Corps—aka capitalism corps—aka imperialism corps—aka “cover story for CIA assassinations” corps—is hiring.
Guess they’re going to “depose” a “brutal dictator” soon and install “democracy”. Transparent agency is transparent. I don’t have any inside knowledge or elite computer skills. I don’t need them. Historical records and a brain not plugged into the Matrix are sufficient to figure this one out."
"Told my family I want to join The Peace Corps. after I graduate and they are shunning me. Telling me I’m gonna go to Africa (which is where I want to go) and my “lily white ass” is going to get murdered by a big black man with horns in his nose. I can’t handle this ignorance and stupidity…"
"I told my mom I wanted to join the Peace Corps and she reacted in the same way she did when I told her I was going vegan. Exasperated.
“(Name), once you graduate college and get job offers you won’t want to do it”
“It’s for two years! Do you realize how long that is?”
“You don’t get to pick where they send you, you could end up in Africa!”
Doesn’t she think I know all of that? I’ve scoured the entire Peace Corps website; I know much more about it than she does. I know I won’t get to pick where I go, but that’s fine with me. Anyway, it’ll most likely be somewhere in South America considering I’ll be able to speak spanish by then, and my field is environmental-related. Still, I wouldn’t care if I got sent to Africa, or Asia, or Eastern Europe, or wherever. I just want to help people and travel and learn about a new culture and teach other people about the American culture. I was fine going away to Germany for a year as a junior in high school, so I think by the time I’m like 22 I’ll be able to go away for 2 years, considering I’m probably going to study abroad again during college as well. And also, my mom babysits for this kid whose mother was in the Peace Corps and she told my mom that it was too hard being away for 2 years. But lets remember, she was probably doing it in the late 70s, early 80s latest. The only means of communication she had was snail mail. Now, we have phones that call internationally, and internet that easily keeps you up to date with life back home. And even if I was put in a place where I couldn’t get internet or something, that would honestly be fine. I may be addicted to my computer, but I’ve always been okay going to camp in the summer with no electronics. I really don’t mind it. Truly.
Whatever. I have years to go, so maybe she’ll change her mind as time progresses. I also had a question for people who are currently or have previously been involved with peace corps- is it difficult to be vegan while serving, and does it limit your chance of being accepted if you’re a vegan (I don’t think it would be, but I thought I’d get some other opinions)?"

Those are a few of the things I found...interesting to see people with opinions different from mine. Also, what's wrong with Africa? 2 posts seem to have problems with Africa. anyone else have an opinion on this?
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