Tuesday 13 August 2013

And The Verdict Is...

Hey guys!!

Sorry it's been so long.  So much has happened since I last told you guys about my life.  Our area had a second Naadam (the winner was from our aimag and used his winnings to put on another Naadam), we then had no electricity during the day for 4 days because they were fixing power lines, the internet in the square stopped working, I visited a famous park on the Russian border,  I left my host family, and I found out my site!

I won't go into too much about the older things, but I'll start with leaving.

So yesterday I said goodbye to Sukhbaatar for the last night to come to Darkhan for the last few days of training (on Saturday I will swear in as an official volunteer!!!!).  My darling puppy (who is terrified of big dogs....she followed me to school the other day and I had to pick her up like a baby and take her back home) walked all the way to school with us to say bye.  She is just so cute!

Next we took the meeker to Darkhan and the first thing we found out was our test scores from our language test (which we took last Wednesday).  I got the requirement (although I thought my abilities were better than that....but I have 2 years to use it right?) so....YAY!

Later on in the day, we went to the Children's Park where we found out our sites.  I will be in a ger in a BEAUTIFUL Aimag called Arkhangai.  I'm in the center with 3 site mates!  I'm a little scared of the ger life (making fires to keep warm, no running water...which Zelda will love...., and an outdoor potty), but what is Peace Corps without some surprise, right?  Can't go back home and say I was in the Posh Corps (the name they give to people who 'have no struggles' in the Peace Corps).

I'm still in shock, but i will totally give you guys more info after swearing in and when I get to site (granted I find the internet source!).   Check out the link on Arkhangai to learn more about my beautiful future home!

I love ya'll!


  1. Lorre, it's me Samantha! Remember me? Dacres. Just so you know, I follow your blog.. I'm reading it and loving every post. I've read and researched a lot about the peace corps.. and I love reading about personal experiences. I wish you the best. Swearing in in a few days .. AHH!! how exciting!

  2. Sam!!!! Hey!! Thanks for reading! What are you up to these days, world traveler?

  3. haha, still traveling. Will be going to Korea soon!

    1. Nice! You might as well come visit here! I want to be like you when I grow up!

  4. Shoot, I just might do that!!

  5. Really awesome! Ok so you answered some of my questions. I can't imagine what this volunteer job is going to be like. I would like to write you letters if possible. If that is something that would be kewl hit me with details at southernview20@gmail.com. Wishing you all the best you brave brave little person you. It was very cute that you had to physically pick up the puppy and take it home. You and animals is always the cutest. You have a beautiful heart.

    1. lol. Thanks! I'll shoot you an email soon!
