Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Сонин юу байна? юмгүй (What's the news? There is nothing)

This week was preeetttty boring. Lol.  I just did the regular go to school and come home (and cook of course).  I spent a lot of time this week looking up recipes (mostly see what I can make with the resources I have here.  I wish I had some cornmeal and scotch bonnet...then I could really do some damage!) and downloading books (Thinking I should get a Kindle so I don't have to read on my computer).  I started Month 2 of Insanity (and yes, it is, in fact, kicking my butt) on Sunday, also.  Outside of that, I've just been really tired and busy with work.  Now to spend time figuring out how I can get cumin, tumeric, cornmeal, scotch bonnet seeds (so I can just grow it and have an endless supply of scotch bonnet!), and a Kindle here!  Here are some pictures from this week!  Ta ta for now!!

Me with my pails to carry water (they was empty at this point)

Made escovitch fish this week (not the same without scotch bonnet pepper)

Frying it up (made brown stew fish out of these two the next day)!

The favorite part!

Made some cabbage and carrots to eat with it

Dinner is served!!

Made sweet and sour chicken (from scratch).  This is at my site mate's apartment

Our dinner!

My counterpart made me this nifty little thing!  It's so i can hold hot things.  How cute!

Thanks to Photobooth, this picture is backward.  But I gave the students a choice of what song they wanted to translate to Mongolian.  They chose "Never Say Never" by Bieber.  So here it is!

The class that translated the Bieber song (I look rough...but it's okay)!

Today for lunch...

I decided to get cabbage and carrots and glass noodles...

and made spring rolls!!

Of course they weren't complete without sweet chili sauce.


  1. OH.

    LORRE!!!!! Yuh eating reaaaaaal good over there man. Wowza. Geez.

    As for insanity, have you seen any results after the first month?

    1. I'm trying girl!! If not I would be feeding on Ramen!!!! And I did see results. I started seeing results like 3 weeks in....and most times I can't even get through entire circuits! I like it.

  2. those spring rolls look soooo good!!!

    1. They were! And easy to make. I had some for lunch then went home and made more for dinner. lol

  3. do you really think scotch bonnets would grow in that climate?

    1. Not sure, but it's worth a try! I've read reviews of some people growing them in colder climates by keeping them near a source of heat. I figure since i have to make my fires, i can keep it somewhere that will allow it to grow. lol. I hope they do!!
