Thursday 25 April 2013

Final Medical Clearance!!!

I decided to just appear in my doctor's office on Tuesday to get what I needed....and surprisingly it worked!!  I got a paper with the breakdown of my results and uploaded it when I got home.  Yesterday I got an email saying that I've been medically cleared!  Sooo excited!  Also, I got info regarding staging/departure.  Apparently staging will be in D.C. on May 29th and I will leave for Seoul (then from Seoul to Ulaanbataar) on May 30th.  As excited as this is, it really is a reality reminder for me.  Why?

1.  I had just gotten used to May 30th,  now I hear that it is May 29th....a day just got cut off!!
2.  I'm actually leaving next month!!
3.  Next month is just a week away (and I haven't started packing/shopping)!!

Wish me all the luck in the world.  I hope I can fit it all in the next month!  Nothing is holding me back anymore except for myself!!

Til next time,



  1. YAY!!!!! see told you it would work out :) OMG IM SOO HAPPPY FOR YOU. and I cant believe you're leaving so soon!! Its practically May now lol

    You better keep posting regularly, I dont care if you're busy with PST from 7am-9pm all day lol, or if you dont have internet access lol FIND A WAY lol I love reading your post and truly feel like im on this journey with you. <3 cant believe ur staging dates are soo close!! Good luck with packing and getting mentally prepared!

    1. Thanks! I'm gonna need that luck! Lol. I can't believe it's so close either! So much to prepare and so little time! I hope I can keep up with the blog! Let's hope I can get wifi once a month (I'd like it to be once per week....but let me not push it...i may end up somewhere where it's not frequent at all). And you just made my day by saying that you feel like you're on the journey with me! I don't want it to be boring!
